Apr 24, 2019 | Money

Always Compare Prices

If you are anything like me, you have to abide by a strict budget to see all of your bills taken care of each month. Most months there aren’t extra dollars laying around to be spent freely on anything you want. Sure, you might splurge on an occasional coffee or two, but for the most part, the money you earn goes right to keeping you living each month.

I have discovered a small but significant way to help curb my expenses and allow for a small amount of ‘fun money’ each month. Compare prices. It sounds simple and obvious, but my spending habits changed drastically once I began to always compare prices.

One of the biggest areas that I benefited from learning to compare prices is in grocery shopping each week. Rather than just running off to whatever store is closest or more convenient to me, I began to search the ads and flyers to determine which stores would give me the best deals on the items I needed.

Learning to compare prices benefited me in other ways than just my grocery bill. Take going to the movie theatre for an example. I took the time to compare the prices of the different show times and I began to see movies only in the afternoon when the prices were more reasonable.

While this only saves me a few dollars each time I visit the theatre, it adds up when you compare prices for all the movies you see in a full year.

I’ll admit it, I love coffee. One month I decided to compare the prices of buying a coffee at a local coffee shop by making my cup of coffee at home. Not surprisingly, I can save a lot of money by just making my coffee. 

I found that I can even let myself purchase some of the best beans that are sold and I still come up with the money to spare when I compare prices with local coffee shops.

It is small changes like going to an afternoon movie or brewing my cup of coffee that has changed my budget. I had no idea the amount of money that could be saved simply by learning to always compare prices.

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