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Potential Mileage
Take advantage of the high traffic site that draws its viewership numbers via the various platforms such as the social network sites and apps, the articles directories, reciprocal links, effective SEO settings, opt-in email marketing campaigns and re-postings from popular sites.
Exclusive Exposure
At ReaListiK, we respect our visitors’ privacy and we do not employ any unnecessary intrusions of advertisements whilst they browse through our quality articles. To ensure their comfort during visits, your products and services would be only introduced at an appropriate part of the articles. We do not practice the bombardment of advertisements that could result in visitors to flee immediately.
Strictly Handpicked Ads
Your advertisements will be handpicked, subject to the approval of ReaListiK, the decision to include or exclude from the site are final. Stringent rules apply to all banner ads submitted for review. No offensive language and any inappropriate content. No appeal will be entertained.
Sizes of Ads
We only accept the approved size that optimised for our responsive web site design. This is to ensure your banner ads will be delivered at optimal resolution. The maximum size of all banner ads to be submitted for review shall be no larger than 250px (w) by 250px (h).
Ads Placement
Your prioritised banner ads will be placed in relevance to the content of the articles based on the respective topic categories. If your banner ads do not conform to the relevance of respective categories and content, it will be placed randomly in the categories and/or content.
Pricing & Payment
A flat fee will be imposed on all submitted banner ads. Subscription to the banner ad placement shall be based on an annual subscription.
The price for the annual subscription will only be disclosed when your submission is approved.
Payments will be required only when your banner ad is approved. Your banner ads will only be displayed when payment has been completed.
An online invoice will be generated and emailed to you for the payment of the annual subscription. Should you decide not to pay by the due date, your banner ads will be deleted and the subscription is cancelled.
Statistics & Performance
All successful subscriptions will be given monthly statistics on respective banner ads performances which include the number of impressions, click-on etc.
Submission of Banner Ads
Submit your banner ads today for approval. Please attached your banner ads (in accordance to the approved size) in an email along with your Full Name or Company Name and send them from your valid email address to
You'll Be Notified
Your banner ads will be reviewed once we have received them. You will be notified by email on the approval status. If you have any enquiry please contact us.